Dental Implant Aftercare: What to Do After Surgery
Proper dental implant aftercare is necessary to ensure fast recovery. Implants are one of the most popular prosthetics when it comes to replacing missing chompers. These devices replace the missing tooth as well as its root. This helps to prevent jawbone tissue loss as well as other teeth shifting in an attempt to fill up the hole.
Tips for Dental Implant Aftercare
Here are a few things patients should do to speed up the recovery process after getting implants:
1. Leave The Implant Alone
After getting implants, patients should avoid doing anything that could irritate the device. That includes touching it, rinsing the mouth with mouthwash for the first few days, or spitting. This is particularly important if there is a healing cap coming through the gum tissue.
2. Bleeding is Normal
Patients should not panic if the site of the surgery continues bleeding for the first 24 hours. That is perfectly normal. If the bleeding seems excessive, it can be minimized by placing gauze on the operation site and biting down on it for 30 minutes. If the bleeding last for longer than 24 hours, contact a dentist immediately.
3. Expect Some Swelling
Swelling is also a regular part of most surgical procedures. Swelling can be minimized by using an ice pack on the cheek close to the site of the surgery. Apply ice for 15 minutes, then take a 15-minute break.
4. Eat Only Soft Foods and Fluids
Any food that involves chewing should be avoided for the first few days after surgery. Stick to soft foods like yogurt and liquids like soups.
5. Expect Some Pain
Patients typically experience pain when the anesthetic wears off. The dentist should prescribe medication to take care of that. At times, over-the-counter pain relievers are enough to alleviate the discomfort. Take painkillers as recommended by the dentist.
6. Antibiotics Can Help
If the dentist prescribes antibiotics, patients should take them as prescribed. These medicines are only useful when the proper dosage is followed.
7. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
For the first few days of dental implant aftercare, patients should avoid using toothpaste or mouthwash. Instead, warm salt water solution should be used to clean the mouth after every meal. Once the surgical area has healed a bit, patients can go back to their regular oral hygiene routine. Extra care should be taken when brushing, especially close to the healing cap.
8. Rest
The first few days after getting dental implants should be used to rest. The more rest the patient receives, the faster the recovery period will be. Patients should avoid physically tasking activities like exercise as it can lead to pain and bleeding. It is best to spend the first few days resting in bed.
Once the implant has fully fused with the patient’s jawbone tissue, a dental crown will be placed on it. This completes the implant installation process.
Think you are a good candidate for dental implants? Schedule a consultation with one of our dentists today!
Call (210) 822-8500 today to reach Preferred Dental Center.